Friday, October 17, 2008

Pick Our Leaders at Random, Like a Jury

Recently in an interview with a female voter after the vice-Presidential debate, a woman on the street said: "I liked Sarah Palin, she's like someone I'd have over for dinner and I think we could talk together about kids and school." (Important qualities in a President?)

PEOPLE: Voting for "beer buddies" has gotten us Clinton and Bush and Reagan and Carter and LBJ. What happened the days when we'd vote for someone SMARTER than ourselves, like JFK and FDR and Lincoln?? Good grief, I don't want me and my beer buddies or cousins RUNNING this country and the free world!

The voters in this so-called democracy are the best argument I've heard yet for something else, like maybe a monarchy. In fact, some current monarchies claim it's better to have a king than to let their illiterate citizens try to pick the right people!

Now that's a bit extreme, but I like the U.S. JURY system idea: just pick some average folks at random, let THEM serve in Congress, pay them enough that they aren't corrupt and can afford to miss their job, and let THEM pick the President among those they've served four years with, and he's now Prez for the next four years, with a NEW Congress chosen at random.... WHenever someone kicks the bucket or is sent to prison for corruption, just take another citizen at random to replace them... I guess we'll end up with some beer buddies (but they won't already be corrupt, not having any corporate or political ties); it can't be any worse than what we get now, basically a bunch of corrupt lawyers easily bought by corporate lobbyists.

If its good enough for juries, life vs death vs prison situations, it ought to be good enough for Congress, and certainly can't be any more corrupt or inept than the current situation.

Time for the old joke: If Pro is the opposite of Con, is congress the opposite of progress?


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