Petition to End Fed Ban on Stem Cell Funding
[Update: Pres. Obama lifted the ban on stem cell funding, finally, in early March]
Since Invitro Fertilization (IVF) clinics have killed 500,000 embryos simply helping infertile women have their own babies (when adoption is a better alternative), and stem cells have only been pulled from 20-25, the "they're killing embryos" argument is a moot point - we need to ban IVF first, and allow stem cell research which will save lives - undifferentiated stem cells can be directed to grow into hearts, livers, kidneys, eyes - any of 220 cell types in humans. New cells can be cloned from existing cells so a few can provide an endless stream of cells for research and drug creation.
Geron Corp. has first conquered cellular aging with these, they simply inject stem cells into aged cells and rejuvenate them; they had cells with 6 week lifespans they've kept alive since the 80's now! (called the "immortal line", they just never get old, never die). This can lead to Alzheimer's cures, halt aging, senility, senile dementia, bone dissolution, you name it. Their work on rats with severed spinal columns have repaired the damaged nerves and brought back movement when previouslyl they'd be paralyzed with no hope. These are the human tests that were approved on Jan 21 by the new administration. (No one is prohibited from using adult stem cells, but those are already the type they're gonna be, they cna't be used to grow hearts or eyes). They think they can cure deafness and blindness fairly quickly.
Other nations don't ban this research - a few pseudo-religious people here along with Bush have set us back a decade while other nations went forward. This petition will lift the federal ban on funding; the private sector is allowed to fund it now anyway, which also makes this a moot point: it's being done anyway and will continue to be. Major advancements have been made already at Duke Univ, Johns Hopkins, and U of Wisconsin Madison, UCLA using stem cell technology (most developed by Geron Corp, they have 160 patents so far, including the cloning of animals - their lab techniques cloned Dolly the Sheep).
THis is a petition site to send a petition to the administration to lift the federal ban -- it will happen eventually, this will just speed up the cure.
Petition to End Federal Stem Cell Funding Ban
"Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come" - Albert Einstein
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