Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Daily Market Reversal

Up Friday, down Monday, up Tuesday, down Wednesday (4.22). Just like that terrible commercial, "you buy and sell the same stocks, again and again." Yep, that's what they're doing. Buy em today, sell em tomorrow, ad infinitum.

Is this market getting to be like a stuck record, constantly skipping back and forth and ending up in the same places? Sometimes it reverses direction daily for 4-8 days in a row. It makes asolutely no sense. One day financials are 'headed for doom', they and the market plunge. The next day, the feds speak, change some rule, and suddenly financials are covered by shorts, 'scrambling like scalded monkeys' ( thanks to Jeff Macke), and the market goes back up. Lately, it's almost like clockwork. A clock with just two settings: light and dark (up and down).

Someone is obviously playing the same old game with us to get churning, trading, commissions, whatever - and the TV propagandists like CNBC are all part of the disinformation game. They just sit there making up news and rumors, then laugh when the market reverses and some sectors, usually financials, move 20%. It's getting very old, and they are losing investors for good whom they should need.

Apparently not, this has become a poker game for insiders only: floor traders, hedge fund managers, big brokerages. The little investor is unwanted and can't pay the huge buy-in required, apparently millions per entry, or you don't rate being in the game.

I think the market professionals didn't really like having the average person in the market, so they figured out a way to get rid of us - all the millions of small IRA and 401 accounts aren't worth the time and effort to do the bookkeeping. If you don't have millions, and allow the brokerages to leverage that for their own use to manipulate stocks in collusion with their colleagues and hedge fund minions, then you're of little use or value, or "the capitalists don't want you."

This has become a game of and for big money only, who are trying their best to eradicate the lower and middle classes from spheres of influence. What they want and may have created is an autocracy of big money - a government by, of, and for the wealthy only. After all, "they create all the jobs", if you listen to the neo-fascist leader of white America, Larry Kudlow of CNBC - the same bozo that was an economic advisor for Ronald "spend like there's no tomorrow" Reagan, who later admitted after the 1987 crash that "the U.S. economy is a house of cards."

Kudlow thinks if you keep giving capitalists a free reign, their immense wealth will "trickle down" to the little guy. Well, that obviously doesn't work: they take what they can steal and smuggle it out to foreign countries with secretive banking, where the U.S. can't get to it, and they can retire both wealthy and out of reach. The joke on us is that millions still believe this, thinking that capitalism is a "lottery they can win", like the housewives paraded for us on shows like Donny Deutsch's "Big Idea", pretending that "you too can get rich with a good idea". Fat chance, I'd be much better off playing the Don't Pass line at any craps table in Nevada, betting against the shooters and with the casino.

Too bad we can't really bet with the casino here. If you buy the stock of a successful company, there's no guarantee they still won't steal all the money and go bankrupt, it seems to be the true American way. In fact, in 1987 some brokerages also went bankrupt and angry investors had to wait for the feds to get around to paying their money back at a pace even slower than the Katrina victims rescue. Let's just hope it doesn't take half a century like it took the Swiss banks to return money stolen from the Jews by Nazis in WW2; they gave it to Israel because this was money without any living heirs, but they held the billions for over 40 years, and no one knows really how much was there, or how much went to other nations' banks.

Money knows no boundaries or politics, and has no ethics to worry about.


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