Religions Need Financial Auditing for National Security
"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" (words of Jesus)
It's past time to end the tax-free status of religions. Many waste the money on themselves anyway (some preachers now have jets!), some even send the money overseas to terrorists. Making them taxable would enable government auditing, otherwise we have no idea where the money is going. In fact, we're paying for all the CULTS that we love to hate as well. Simply make up a religion ("Church of Monday Night Football" was one) and get tax-free status!
This affects taxes you and I and everyone else pays, we're being forced to subsidize religious contributions. Is this fair to everyone? Athiests? The growing number of 'spiritual but not religious' people? Religions like Buddhism or Taoism that don't ask for money, have no word for "tithing"? Why should all of them pay for donations to televangelists? Most would rather feed the poor than air-condition a big building that's empty 98% of the time.
This also hinders national security, the big buzz-word allowing big brother intrusions on all our rights. OK, the government is going to remove or hamper individual rights, why not the self-proclaimed rights of religions - why are they immune to examination and responsible actions?
Both the OLD and NEW testaments warned that churches are for hypocrites, even Jesus said the truly devout pray in private at home, not in public! I have this and more at Bible Decoded
This blog is aimed at cutting throught the materialist hypocrisy rampant in religion today and revealing the underlying metaphysical philosophy that I believe religions have forgotten and are hiding from the 'worshippers', who get no education, just a place to worship and sing.
My former Methodist church in Macon, Georgia now has a security guard in the huge parking lot, and a bullet-proof glass and a locked-door for their main office! You talk to the receptionist through a hole in the glass! UNREAL -- when I found out after my mom died, I decided to NEVER go back to this church again. They waste enough money to feel half of Georgia annually, and brag about their huge income from annual tithes ("fourth in the nation" at one point). This is not a church, this is a bank with armed guards. Ironically, it's within a mile of some real inner-city slums, of course it's an African-American residential area. This is why people are leaving traditional churches.
What would Jesus think about this, done "in his name"?