Former Qwest Head Goes To Prison
This could be an endless stream of these stories, but I used to work for these guys, at least they took over the company I worked for.
The prisons are going to be full of corporate criminals - well, except they don't have enough personnel at the FBI to arrest them all - budget cutbacks, they have 200 people doing the work of 1000... figures, just when you need a white collar cop!
Naccio Off to Prison
From Third Rock from the Sun, when the kid, Tommy, wanted to be a ganster (he mistook a meatcutter called "The Butcher" for a mob hit man!):
Newman: Tommy, if you do a crime there's a 5% chance you'll get caught - if caught, a 3% chance you'll get convicted - the numbers don't lie, so avoid crime! (I believe that comes out to 1.5 convictions per 1,000 crimes, .15% right?) too funny - it wasn't newman but that actor from seinfeld that played the cop..
Eventually the prisons will be full of ceo's teaching each other how to pull stock crimes, steal corporate money, fudge the budgets and financial reports, avoid all income tax with offshore banking, and other such executive short cuts created by lawmakers for themselves.
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