A Secret Economic War Going On?
[This was a reply and thesis, ie guess, to a friend about something secret going on that we don't know about]
Yes, I finally agree on the 'secret economic war' theory.
Those holding our bonds have to roll them over when they mature, and if they don't the western economy collapses from the massive immediate loss of capital - so its usually not worth the cost to themselves to do this, but at some point those holding the most reach a saturation point (China, Saudi Arabia) and quit rolling them over; so the theory goes anyway.
This scenario was predicted in the 70's movie "Rollover" during the oil embargo and subsequent crisis then resulting in were huge lines at the pumps. However, if you destroy the US economy: no more big oil purchases.
However, if the US economy is already dead own its own accord, there's no reason to prop us up anymore, it's "throwing bad money after good". It looks like we're there now, killed by corporate under-regulation, extreme leverage, and greed.
This is my guess on the likely scenario, along with a possiblity that the counterfeit T-Bills/Vatican Bank scandal uncovered in the late 80's that was running into the billions back then, could be much higher now. Just as that news became public the Justice Department jumped in and squelched the investigation and the public information dried up! National security and all that propaganda, and just after that we had the S&L failures and more financial chaos, resulting in the Resolution Trust Corp and years of liquidation. How much of that was the bogus T-bills that had been swapped into bank vaults in place of the valid ones? Suddenly, banks didn't have the T-bills to back up deposits, they had worthless paper and 2500 failed - was this the real cause?
They can blame it on whatever they want for public consumption, but even the Nazis attacked western currencies to bring them down, counterfeiting first British pounds that passed the British bank inspectors as "valid notes", and were working on the US dollar as well. See the engrossing Austrian film "The Counterfeiters" for that story; it would likely have worked but the war ended, while the Jewish counterfeiters in the camp were slowing down the effort. They were gonna flood world banks with bogus British notes and U.S. dollars and devalue the currencies of each, bankrupting the nations.
Interesting late "news", the public seems to find out about 50 yrs later, when it's far too late!
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